Corrupted ajax result

I am using the following html page:



<title>AJAX Example</title>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html"; charset="iso-8859-1">


<script language="JavaScript" src="ajaxlib.js"></script>

<!--define the ajax javascript library-->


Click this <a href="#" OnClick="GetEmployee()">link</a> to show ajax

content (will be processed backgroundly without

refreshing whole page)<br/>

<!--a href=# OnClick=GetEmployee() is the javascript event on a

link to execute javascript function (GetEmployee) inside ajaxlib.js-->

<div id="Result">< the result will be fetched here ></div>

<!--javascript use GetElementById function to replace the data

backgroundly, we use <div> tag with  id Result here so javascript

can replace this value-->




Javascript is here:

And PHP is here:

The problem is that everything seems logical and there are no errors, but the javascript does not seem to be called and calling the php file directly gives this result:

Well the characters won't even insert, apparently .... but a lot of little boxes with this:




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2 answers

To begin with, your function getEmployee()

should return false;

prevent the default action on <a>

. Small boxes seem to imply character sets are not the same. Make sure the HTML page and PHP page are using the same character set. I suggest trying to make everything UTF-8.

Edit: Read wrong - I think the character set being output by PHP does not match the character set in your database.



I suggest adding a data padding to Firefox +. You will be able to find out if your browser is loading javascript and also view the ajax + data to see what is going on. Also check the error console for JavaScript errors. I would start there.



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