Referring to function arguments by position?

I'm not sure I know how to ask this.

Let's say I have a function

void myFunc ( int8 foo, float bar, int whatever )


is there a quick way to reference a specific argument by its position?

void myFunc ( float foo, float bar, float whatever )
   float f;
   f = ARG[1]; // f now equals bar


something about that?

Following actions:

Thank you for your responses. Iโ€™m probably wrong. It struck me as odd that C ++ doesn't allow this, as perl and some psuedo languages โ€‹โ€‹(I think AutoIt in particular). As for the "why"? Just use a simple loop to go through them. I admit that under normal conditions there are many ways to achieve this, but I have tried to ensure that my worthless does not change any code outside of my little world. In other words, I have no control over the calling code. This is pushing the input down my throat and I have to manage it as best I can. So I can't just loop around before calling my function. Anyway, it was clearly a mess and there were no variables like this, so I was just duplicating the code. No big one. Thanks for the comments and interesting suggestions.


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6 answers

If you really feel that you want an array of parameters from values โ€‹โ€‹of the same type and not with explicitly specified parameters, you can simply pass the array as a parameter.

void myFunc ( float foo[3] )
    float bar;
    bar = foo[1];


This can be inefficient if your array is much longer, so using a const reference would be a better solution, e.g .:

void myFunc ( const float & foo[3] )
    float bar;
    bar = foo[1];


Or, like many C ++ questions on this site, the best solution is to use std :: vector

void myFunc ( const std::vector<float> & foo )
    float bar;
    bar = foo[1];




Maybe boost :: tuple is what you need?

#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>

void myFunc ( const boost::tuple<int, float, double>& t )
   float f;
   f = boost::get<1>(t); // f now equals bar

int main()
    myFunc( boost::make_tuple( 1, 2.0f, 3.0 ) );


This gives you static type checking and you can get the elements by their position. Tuples are part of the future standard. It can be used as std::tr1::tuple

already with some compilers.

If all arguments are of the same type, you can use std::vector


#include <vector>

void myFunc ( const std::vector<float>& t )
   float f;
   f = t[1]; // f now equals bar

int main()
    std::vector<float> f_array;
    f_array.push_back( 1.0f );
    f_array.push_back( 2.0f );
    f_array.push_back( 3.0f );
    myFunc( f_array );




Not in C or C ++, no.

As moonshadow suggests: What actual problem are you trying to solve?

(If you'd like to add an explanation, edit your question rather than posting a comment on the matter - more people will see your edit this way.)



You can use C style variable arguments:

#include <stdarg.h>

void myFunc (int8 foo, ...)
  va_list args;
  va_start(args, foo);

  float bar = va_arg(args, float);
  int whatever = va_arg(args, int);



but that means:

  • You need to know in advance the parameters that will be used to call the function.
  • You don't get any benefit of static type checking.


No, this is not standard.



Try a title <cstdarg>


Just remember that you won't get indexed access to the arguments, but you can write a loop and call va_arg

until you reach the argument you want. Figuring out the data type of the argument will be your next problem.



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