Xalan XSLT multiple output files?

I just would like to know if it is possible to output processing of one input XML file to several other files using Xalan?

I don't have to do it this way, I know I can use other tools to do it (like Saxon) and / or I could process different files to get different outputs. I just would like to know what parameters I need to do exactly what I ask with the help of the tools that I plan to use. Any reason I shouldn't use this tool to accomplish this task is also appreciated.

The context is simple, I am trying to convert an XML file representing the structure of a multi-page multilingual website. The (current and potentially future) file structure is like

        <language name = "xyz">
          <! - More interesting stuff ->

Potentially, the page will contain multiple languages, but this is not required.


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1 answer

Are you using Xalan-J or Xalan-C ? If you are using Xalan-J the Redirect extension should do the trick.



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