Template for notifying users about problems / crashes / incidents, etc.

Our product is a web application. From time to time we get crashes, errors, bugs, etc. and I want to send an email notification to let our users know what happened and how we dealt with it.

Should include things like:

  • "Sorry for the inconvenience"
  • "Server 1 went down at 9am for 1 hour."
  • "Data has not been lost or corrupted"

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1 answer

I think you should consider this as part of incident management and think about what you want this message to target your users. From the question, you seem to be looking for boilerplate text, and I don't think that's the most appropriate - you might end up with some kind of plain meaningless vocabulary that just annoys users more.

There is a traditional response scheme - regretting the impact on users, describing the response you intend to do, possibly the cause of the incident.

In other words, a template for the sections it should contain is a good idea, a template for phrases to use, even more so.

So I think you should

  • Express your regret for the incident.

  • Describe the incident, if it will continue and its cause, if known

  • Describe the impact on your users

  • Indicate the date / time of the start of the incident (or was discovered)

  • Indicate the date / time for which it was allowed, if any

  • Indicate if it is fully resolved or worked around

  • Indicate what actions are in progress, if any, and any expected time frames

  • Indicate when the post will be updated (and update it!)

Google for "incident management" "regrets" "response" to some ideas.



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