Is there a good open source or free alternative llblgen

Found out that llblgen is worth money that I cannot afford while I am on an unpaid internship. You guys know a comparable alternative to llblgen. I am trying to get a good code generator for building sql queries.


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5 answers

Read this:

.NET and ORM - Solutions, solutions

You want either NHibernate or Subsonic, perhaps NHibernate. Try to avoid Microsoft solutions (LinqToSql and EntityFramework).



Mindscape LightSpeed ​​has a free version for small databases and is similar to O / R Mapping capabilities. It includes a rich Visual Studio designer with all the schematics you could possibly want as a developer looking to avoid cumbersome mapping files.

If the database is bigger than the support of the free version then contact us as they are known to provide their software to students at no cost.

You can read more about LightSpeed ​​ORM here



Presumably if you mention LLBLGen you are a .NET user - do you have access to Visual Studio? You can always use T4 - the code generator built into visual studio - I have used it with great success for generating code. All you need is some model that your code generation templates can read, and then you can use T4 to generate SQL or whatever you want.



What platform? NHibernate, LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework come to mind for .NET. Everything is 100% free.



For .net, I also really like Subsonic 3, which uses T4 templates to generate ORM code.

  • Free
  • Extensibility if you need different types of code generation
  • Easy to get started without having to learn too much

Subsonic site here



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