Reporting Services Online Sort and Paging Service with ReportViewer

I'm having a strange issue with interactive sorting and paging in ReportViewer that I can't figure out. I am using a local report definition and a ReportViewer control in an aspx page. I have AsynchRendering set to true. Everything seems to work fine except for this problem. Below are the steps to reproduce the problem:

(page 1 before all sorts)
  a 1
  c 3
  b 2

1) While on page 1, sort ascending by COL1 - sorting is correct

(page 1)
  a 1
  b 2
  c 3

2) Go to page 2 - sorting is correct

(page 2)
  d 4
  e 5
  f 6

3) Sorting in descending order in column X (after that automatically returns to page 1) - sorting is correct

(page 1)
  z 26
  y 25
  w 24

4) Go to page 2 again - sorting is wrong; the data is still sorted in ascending order, as if not sorting on page 2 on page 2

(page 2)
  d 4
  e 5
  f 6

Other strange things:

  • If I go to any page other than page 2 from page 1 the sort order is correct, and if I go to page 2 from any page other than page 1 the sort order is correct.
  • If I set AsyncRendering to false I don't have this problem at all. I need AsyncRendering to be true.
  • This issue only occurs in IE6 and IE7. I don't meet in Firefox or Chrome.
  • Here's the weirdest = this problem only occurs after I deploy to the web server. If I run it from the Visual Studio 2008 development server on my computer, everything works fine without exception.

This is a problem because the corp I work in mostly only uses IE6 / IE7, this sorting feature is a must, and the page is too slow if I don't use AsyncRendering.

Any help with this would be much appreciated.

(comments from the answer I made before I had enough reputation to be able to comment): There is something else I noticed about what is going on with this. using fiddler I was looking at each click-by-click HTTP request / responses and navigation and I noticed that there is no HTTP GET request when navigating from page 1 to page 2. all other navigation clicks and click sorting make a GET request and then the html is updated with the appropriate response. if there is no GET request when navigating from page 1 to 2 after another sort has occurred, the page will not be refreshed to the current sort order. this looks like a ReportViewer AJAX error to me ...


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1 answer

I had a problem using AsyncRendering, my problem was very different from yours, but maybe this link can help you.

Try using the guidelines made in this article by deleting the xtyml document from the page rendered for my problem.

[] [1 ]

[1]: http: // the xhtml doctype from the page



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