HTML / CSS Best Way to Round Corners

Possible duplicate:
What is the best way to create rounded corners using CSS?

What is the best way to make rounded corners in div containers! I need a solution that works in every browser. What I have tried is this

  • jquery corner plugin (doesn't work in Chrome)
  • CSS tags (don't work in IE)

Is the only working solution (per browser) using images?



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4 answers

If you need it to work all over the place and also takes JavaScript to be disabled, then your only option is to use background images.



I always thought this solution works in IE .. (not tested, no windows)

EDIT: Yes - it at least works in IE 7.0



What angular plugin are you using? Javascript rounded corners definitely work in Chrome. If you have a problem with a specific plugin, ask for help specifically for that.

But in general I prefer using css for rounded corners. It looks great for supported browsers and degrades gracefully without any performance hit for IE (often looking just as good, look, facebook just removed the rounded corners: tweaks-design-drops-rounded-corners / ).

However, if you need to have rounded corners, JS is the perfect solution. Give some examples of what's not working and we can try to help.



In my experience, Nifty Corners works like a charm. Crossbrowser compatible (Google says Chrome is also good at accommodating rounded corners).



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