Provision profile

I have an app, it runs on iPhone OS 3.0 with SDK 3.0.

with iPhone OS 3.0.1 I did an update and it seems ok:

ln -s / Developer / Platforms / iPhoneOS.platform / DeviceSupport / 3.0 \ (7A341) /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.0.1

But when I want to install the application on the device, I get: "Code mark error: Provisioning profile" ... "not found"

In XCode / Window / Organizer: "A valid Signature ID matching this profile was not found in your keychain"

Do I need to change the provisioning profile in any way? It was created for iPhone OS 3.0. I have to change smth. in my keychain?

Thank you so much for your help! Alexandra


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3 answers

you can try editing your project file in project.xcodeproj / project.pbxproj find all CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY and delete them, then reopen project and reinstall mobile software.



Your Signature ID / Collateral File may be deleted or expired. Check your provisioning profile in the Xcode Organizer window to see what its status is.



1) I have deleted and added a profile in Organizer.

2) In the "assembly" of the current project "Code Signing Identification" for the developer with the profile number "C44211F -..." can be selected. Therefore, I choose it.

3) Running the application as "Device-3.0-Release" - error: Provisioning profile "C44211F -...." not found



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