Datagrid links (flex)

I wanted to ask how can I put the links in the datagrid. My dataProvider is the following xml

  <name>A name</name>
  <url>A url</name>
  <name>Another name</name>
  <url>Another url</name>


I'm sure there are a few more elements in it. Now I want to have a datagrid that displays the name as a label, and clicking on the row opens the url.

Can anyone help me with this? I know some things about render items, but I donā€™t know how I can provide a URL to the rendered item. Maybe with the class? But how can I control which url is passed to a particular rendered item?

Thank you in advance



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2 answers

Can you just do what you want with click event handlers?


        protected function datagrid1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(dg1.selectedItem.url);

        public var xml:XML = new XML(<xml>
            <name>A name</name>
            <name>Another name</name>
<mx:DataGrid id="dg1" editable="true" click="datagrid1_clickHandler(event)" dataProvider="{xml.children()}">
        <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="name" />




I think the best way to do this is to use an item renderer:

Set up your datagrid using the item renderer like this:

<mx:DataGrid id="flashcardSetGrid" width="80%" maxHeight="800" >
<mx:columns >
    <mx:DataGridColumn itemRenderer="com.jeshurunsoftware.DgLinkButton"/>


Then create an MXML component (in this example packaged in com.jeshurunsoftware.DgLinkButton.mxml):

<s:MXDataGridItemRenderer xmlns:fx="" 
      <mx:LinkButton id="lblData" label="{dataGridListData.label}" click="doSomething()"  />


When you click on this element, your action will be performed.



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