Bind control value to code behind function

I have a hidden field that I want to bind either to a function in the code page. I don't quite remember the exact syntax and I can't seem to find an answer via google. Is this code correct? Thank.

print("<asp:HiddenField ID="dummy" Value='<%#Getdummy() %>' runat="server" />");



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2 answers

The code you put in looks pretty good ...

Two step process: add a hidden field to markup

<asp:HiddenField ID="hdnId" runat="server" Value='<%# GetValue() %>'/>


Then create the specified method signature ...

protected string GetValue()
   return "something";


Hope it helps ...



If you have a hidden field with a runat = server, you can write code to assign the value in the code behind (not in the markup).



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