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I am trying to create some HTML that shows me if my server is accessible from the internet the green light OK red light is not available. This I can do for the remote site, but not for my home, my router seems to be preventing me from returning home via my static IP. I want to generate HTML to see what I look like from my ISP and not my local network, more specifically, I want the boss in Paris to know if the server in Paris is running.

<head><script language='JavaScript'>
// Begin
  function MyErr4(MyImage) {
      setTimeout(function() {       
        document.light4.src = '';
// end

<img name='light4' src='http://mystaticip/2_lime.jpg'
    onerror='MyErr4(this)' border='0' width='30' />


doesn't work because I am running it inside my local network. How can I write code that will be allowed by my ISP. I tried ASP but Javascript gets clients allowed.

Anyone would like to comment?


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4 answers

You are attacking the problem at the wrong angle.

Any code on the page will execute client-side by definition.

If you need to do something elsewhere, you need an external server at that other location. This could be a very simple HTTP server that you can request using XMLHttpRequest on your page, or something more interesting that will display a full status page.

As suggested in another answer , you should consider running Nagios on a third party server.



Have you considered using an existing application like Nagios instead of writing your own tool? I guarantee it will offer more features and perform much better. For example, you can check if the web server is returning a 500 status code (or other errors), which might indicate that the database is overloaded, rather than just checking to see if it will respond.



Did you know that your server can respond to requests from outside the local network? It looks like it is a routing / firewall issue and not a code issue. Typically for most home networks, you must enable port forwarding on the router to send requests from outside the firewall to the correct IP address in the firewall.



Symptom: "Other people can reach my server, but I cannot view it locally."

Problem: You have Loopback connection error .

Read the link and its solution. See if this helps.



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