Request.Form for textbox returns bad data

This is a very strange bug only occurring with Firefox 3.5. I've tested it for IE, Safari and Chrome without any errors.

I am using my localhost IIS 5.1 and old asp.

I was able to shrink the scope down to this ... I have a textbox in a form filled with 4000 characters for example.

<textarea name = "obs" id = "obs" cols = "75" rows = "10"> ... </textarea>

I'll post it to the .asp page.

On this example page, I just do:

    response.Write Request.Form( "obs" )


80% of times, firefox cannot complete the download (waiting for localhost ...) and I see the line "Server: Microsoft-IIS / 5.1Date: Tue, 01Sep200915: 55: 01GMTContent-Type: text / html; charset = iso -8859-1 "was inserted at a random place within the text. Also, the end of the text is truncated (I suppose that's what firefox is waiting for ...).

When Firefox loads normally, the server string is not included.

Of course, I cannot write this data to the database ...; -D

Thanx for reading and I would appreciate any idea on this.

EDIT: I restarted my computer and disabled all firefox plugins and extensions and the error "works": --(


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1 answer

It's a bit strange. I've done some testing and I don't have the same problem.

Guessing you have response buffering set to false in ASP, but FF doesn't understand the resulting encoded encoding. Why your copy of FF fails I don't know, as it works fine on my 3.5 version with or without encoding.

Can you improve the quality of the playback details in your question. I am using this ASP page as a test: -

If Request.QueryString("function") = "post" Then
    Response.Buffer = False
    Response.Write Request.Form("obs")
End If 
<form action="test.asp?function=post" method="post">
    <textarea name="obs" id="obs" cols="75" rows="10">
              <!-- Loads of text here -->
    </textarea >
    <input type="submit" value="go" />




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