What is the correct way to reference Embedded Resources in the .net xmldoc comments?

I have a C # project that uses xml comments . I am making chm files of these from Sandcastle via Sandcastle File Builder Help . One of the member functions in this project uses an embedded resource . I want to reference it in the help file. Sandcastle doesn't seem to support this, but the xml documentation files it parses do. I say this because of the following example

/// <summary>
/// Displays the resource text.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The file is loaded from the <see cref="Resources.TextFile.txt"/>.</remarks>
private static void ShowResource()
    // Getting text from embedded resource


If I compile this code and compile chm from the resulting xml documentation, I get the following in the build log:

  Warn: CachedResolveReferenceLinksComponent: Unknown reference link target '!:Resources.HelpTextFile.txt'.


And the remarks section:

The help file is loaded from the [!:Resources.TextFile.txt].


If I do as Agent Smith for ReSharper suggests and changes the <see> item in the <see cref="Resources.TextFile"/>

build log says:

Warn: CachedResolveReferenceLinksComponent: Unknown reference link target 'P:ProjectName.Properties.Resources.TextFile'.


And the Remarks section in chm changes to:

The help file is loaded from the HelpTextFile().


So my question has two parts:

  • Am I using the <see /> element to reference the resource correctly?
  • Is there a way to get sandcastle to reference the embedded resource in chm generated files?

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1 answer

You can use HTML anchor tag to achieve the same result. This is similar to linking to image files using the <img> tag in XML comments.

/// The resources are loaded from
/// <a href="../Resources.TextFile.txt">Resources.TextFile.txt</a>.


Include the resource file as a content item in the project. The example above assumes this is in the root folder. HTML files are always in the folder. / html, so you need to go up one level. If you place the file in a subfolder from the root folder, add its name to the href target: "../FolderName/Resources.TextFile.txt".

If you've applied the Sandcastle Styles patch, you can use the href attribute instead of the cref attribute on the <see> tag. The file location information will be the same.

/// The resources are loaded from
/// <see href="../Resources.TextFile.txt" />.





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