How to call methods of child classes dynamically in PHP 5?

class foo
    //this class is always etended, and has some other methods that do utility work
    //and are never overrided
    public function init()
        //what do to here to call bar->doSomething or baz->doSomething 
        //depending on what class is actually instantiated? 

    function doSomething()
        //intentionaly no functionality here


class bar extends foo
    function doSomething()
        echo "bar";

class baz extends foo
    function doSomething()
        echo "baz";



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2 answers

You just need to call $ this-> doSomething (); in your init () method.

Due to polymorphism, the correct method of the child will be called at runtime depending on the class of the child.



public function init() {

$obj = new bar();
$obj->doSomething(); // prints "bar"

$obj2 = new baz();
$obj->doSomething(); // prints "baz"




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