How can I make my NSScroller subclass a different width?

I am trying to create my own NSScroller subclass. I created a class and set it as a vertical scroller on an NSScrollView in IB. When I run the project, the method drawRect:

is called for my subclass, so I know it is connected correctly.

Now, how do I change the width of my new NSScroller? No matter what I do with its borders and border, it always wants to draw a 15px wide rectangle (the size of a standard NSScroller).


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2 answers

In your NSScroller subclass, you need to override scrollerWidth:

    return 30.0;


This is the value that NSScrollView uses to define the frame for your component when configuring it.



You can use categories to override the scroll width method for all NSScrollers.

Eg. In NSScroller-MyScroller.h:

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface NSScroller (MyScroller)

+ (CGFloat)scrollerWidth;
+ (CGFloat)scrollerWidthForControlSize: (NSControlSize)controlSize;



In NSScroller-MyScroller.m:

#import "NSScroller-MyScroller.h"
#define SCROLLER_WIDTH 30.0

@implementation NSScroller (MyScroller)

+ (CGFloat)scrollerWidth {
    return SCROLLER_WIDTH;

+ (CGFloat)scrollerWidthForControlSize: (NSControlSize)controlSize {
    return SCROLLER_WIDTH;





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