Qt for CE windows

I have installed Qt for Windows CE using this link http://qt.nokia.com/products/platform/qt-for-windows-ce for visual studio8, I can see Qt tab in VS IDE.

I tried to create a new application for QT, getting an error which is

"No Qt / CE platforms are defined. Please add your Qt / CE build to the Tools / Options / Qt / Builds" dialog.

How can I determine the platform?


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2 answers

As explained in the error. Go to the tools menu, then the options submenu. Select Qt from the tree and then select Build. There you will see an "Add" button. Click on it. Write the version and path to your installed Qt. Then you're good to go.



Ok, I click Tools , select Options ... from the item menu (this is not a submenu), the Options Dialog goes up , I don't see the Qt entry in the tree. Fresh never used before installing Visual Studio 2008 on Windows XP Pro SP3 with Qt add-on installed and I tried to run it as administrator too.

Did I miss something?

In the meantime I came across a few notes here: http://www.sereno-labs.com/qt-4-6-2-installation-procedure-friendlyarm-mini-2440-windows-ce-5-0

The device I am targeting is not a FriendlyARM, but a manual Psion, but nevertheless suggests that the bare Qt package is missing any VisualStudio binaries.

Further update ...

My aging P4 laptop is busy compiling Qt now, for a few hours now. I found that for Psion I had to edit the setcepaths.bat script to make the checkdk.exe call compatible with the provided SDKs. In doing so, everything seems to work. If you get an error regarding the missing header, run:

checksdk.exe -list


This will tell you what your SDK is actually called. Then you might find what works:

checksdk.exe -sdk "Your SDK with spaces (and ARCH in brackets)" -script tmp.bat


tmp.bat should create the required environment.

Finally, I got into a compiler error due to some loaded autogenerated files in Qt's build directories. I'll post the command (Cygwin) I used to clear sources in the middle of a build when I find it.



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