Is there a way to get the DetailsView control to display its title in the <th> cell?

Since the DetailsView uses <td> cells for both header text and data, I was wondering if it is possible to override the control's behavior to display the header of the header of each row in a <th> cell?

@Joel Coehoorn Thanks for the quick response, but I kind of hoped I didn't have to go that route.

I was wondering if it is possible to override one of the control's render methods to achieve this?

Someone seems to have rendered the success of the <th> cell , but did not seem to reveal the details - any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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3 answers

I managed to find a way around this by using the ItemCreaed event handler and replacing the <td> cell for the <th> cell:

if (view.Rows.Count > 0) {
    // swap each header <td> cell for a <th> cell
    foreach (DetailsViewRow row in view.Rows) {
        if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) {
            DataControlFieldCell td = row.Cells[0] as DataControlFieldCell;
            // skip the last row that contains our command controls
            if (td.Controls.Count > 0) {

            DataControlFieldHeaderCell th = new DataControlFieldHeaderCell(td.ContainingField);
            th.Text = td.Text;
            th.Attributes.Add("scope", "row");

            // add the new th and remove the old td
            row.Cells.AddAt(0, th);




There is no inline parameter in the control itself. However, you can completely override the rendering behavior for any control, including the DetailsView, using the Control Adapter .



You can also inherit your own custom control from the DetailsView and then override the render method.



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