What are the high-level requirements for building a Basic SMTP Server for Windows?

I know Windows has SMTP capabilities in IIS, but I thought Basic SMTP would be a good project for learning Windows Application Development. I don't want a relay. I want the actual SMTP server to send an anonymous email from the localhost. Obviously, it is only meant to route emails sent during the development process, and I really wanted to know what I am against.

  • Will VB.net be the most common?
  • Can email be routed anonymously (no username / password)?
  • What are some of the subtle details I should be thinking about?



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2 answers

You will need to understand the SMTP protocol (or at least a reasonable subset of it). If you are familiar with C ++, you can get the Blat source code to get an idea of ​​how to create a simple post system.



You should read a book on network protocols. If you want to do this from scratch, you need to keep the outgoing mail queue, you need to parse the email addresses to find their hostnames, find the DNS MX records of those domains, contact the server on port 25, and then talk to SMTP.



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