How do you apply licensing in the Redistributable Management Library?

If you have a WPF control library that you wanted to license to developers, how do you enforce license restrictions so that the library can be used and redistributed in native applications and still prevent end users from reusing that .dll?

I approach this from a strict business point of view, so I am trying to find a solution that prevents users from indiscriminately doing something as simple as passing a DLL using a key and being able to share it.

Any thoughts on this are absolutely welcome and feel free to think philosophically.


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1 answer

Strictly speaking, such problems are really difficult to solve completely, and whatever you do, it will be possible (although it can be quite difficult) to change the IL code that checks the license and completely bypass the verification. However, if you really like it, you can get your clients to send the compiled version of their application to you to apply a strong name to it (using your private key). This way you can check the calling assembly's public key token for a specific key that only belongs to you. By no means am I suggesting such a method for general use, but if it really is, then it might work. Just keep in mind that it will probably take several hours to find the license check code in your build and remove it completely.This will make any license limitation useless!



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