The easiest way to identify .NET assembly dependencies

Given a large system with hundreds of assemblies, what is the easiest way to determine which other projects in a large system depend on a particular assembly when there is no way to create one visual studio solution containing all the projects


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4 answers

I would say NDepend is the simplest way to define .Net Assembly dependencies , regardless of complexity:

NDepend is a tool that makes it easy to manage a complex .NET database. Architects and developers can analyze code structure, set design rules, plan massive refactorings, perform effective code reviews, and master evolution by comparing different versions of code.



You can use a tool like ndepend . It will analyze compiled assemblies and generate a nice graph with arrows pointing to and using your assemblies. I've seen a similar feature in VS2010.



Configure the operating system to index the source code and search for content for the angle brackets that indicate the link. The problem is that the path in the link can be different depending on where the referenced projects are in relation to the one you are looking for so that some kind of regex might be ok.



I'll be the third suggestion of NDepend, it works really well for this problem. You don't need to change anything about your solutions or Visual Studio projects.




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