Spring element delay integration
I'm trying to set up a spring integration and I want to use an element that is basically between the retryFilter and the queue.
Everything works fine if I go straight from the retryFilter to the queue, however, as soon as I put a delay element in between the config file cannot be loaded (as it does when there is an error in it).
The configuration for this section looks like this:
<!-- Retry filter -->
output-channel="queueChannel" />
<channel id="delayChannel" />
<delayer input-channel="delayChannel" default-delay="10000" output-channel="queueChannel"/>
<channel id="queueChannel">
<queue capacity="100" />
<poller id="poller" default="true">
<interval-trigger interval="1000"/>
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I tried your sample and it worked great on Spring Integration 2.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT. You can see my commit here:
There are a couple of things that I changed:
- channel renames (in, out) instead of longer names
- filter outputs delay input, instead of passing by delay
Perhaps you are using an older version of Spring Integration?
You can check out my little gradle project ( http://github.com/iwein/Spring-Integration-Sandbox/tree/master/quick-samples/router-test/ ) which can help you experiment. If you still can't get it to work, it would be nice if you split the stack and the exact version you are using.
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