Is there a functional dropdown replacement for HTML SELECT that works in IE?

We determined in a previous question that many HTML SELECT features are not supported in IE. Is there an alternative widget that you would recommend in your experience that meets the following requirements?

  • Refers to a property contentEditable

    (does not allow selection changes if true)
  • Respects the property disabled

    for individual OPTIONS (shows that they are "grayed out" or through font and makes them unavailable)
  • Support for groups of options ( OPTGROUP

  • Supports style

    parameters like border

    and margin

    in SELECT

    and all subitems
  • Supports dynamic addition and removal of items OPTION


  • Supports the above in IE 6 and above

EDIT: As @Joel Coehoorn pointed out, items 3 and 5 above are currently supported in IE. They are included here to make sure they are not overlooked in the replacement widget.


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2 answers

Finally, IE6 + supports # 3 and # 5, and you can (incorrectly) use OPTGROUP to work with most other elements.

You can do this if it has an opt group with missing parameters, for example:

<optgroup label="--"></optgroup>


You can make the label anything you want, but the point is that you end up with an item that looks like a normal option but cannot be selected. This opens the door to all kinds of entertainment:

  • You can disable certain items by adding them as opt groups
  • You can prevent selection changes by encoding all options except the current one as opt groups (use a different text key to indicate they are disabled if you need to)
  • You can use space, -, or - labels to denote simple separators rather than entire groups.

In this case, most of the accounts # 1 and # 2 are on your list - at least at feature points.

The reason for the "(mis) use" is that most html validators will fail. However, the trick works in all major browsers.



I am writing a widget like this. I am planning to implement optgroup in my next version which will be in a few days, hopefully since Ive had good results.

demo page




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