ASP.NET Temp Files

I have almost 800MB and over 31,000 files in hundreds of subfolders in the following directory:

C: \ WINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v2.0.50727 \ temporary files

Are the files temporary and are they ever cleaned up? Can they be safely removed, perhaps after stopping IIS?


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4 answers

They can be safely removed after stopping IIS, and they will restore what is needed when a user accesses your site.




They are not "temporary" in the literal sense of the word, that they will definitely be removed at some point. This answer describes the goal pretty well:

These are what are known as shadow folders.

Simplified ... and I really mean it:

When an ASP.NET application launches your application for the first time, it copies all assemblies found in the / bin folder, copies any source code files (for example, in the App_Code folder), and parses your aspx, ascx files to source C # files. ASP.NET then generates / compiles all of this code into an executable application.

They can be removed at any time and .NET will simply recreate the ones it needs when it needs them.



Yes, you can safely remove them.



I know for a fact that orphans (i.e. no longer match virtual directory) temporary files are never cleaned up.



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