Ibatis.net - isqlmapper.BeforeQuery missing in 1.6.1

We are trying to migrate to iBatis.Net DataMapper 1.6.1 (from 1.5.1 ). I am getting an error on this line:

( ( SqlMapDaoSession ) daoManager.GetDaoSession() ).SqlMap.BeforeQuery += new BeforeQueryDelegate ( SqlMap_BeforeQuery );


I can't even find a link to this event BeforeQuery

anywhere. 0 matches on Google!

Any ideas?


source to share

1 answer

I have looked at the source code for iBatis 1.5.1 and SqlMap

there is no event in the class BeforeQuery

or anywhere in the project. You must have a modified version. What is your code in the delegate doing SqlMap_BeforeQuery




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