Sleep Windows with Java
Is there a command to use on windows from java to get the computer to sleep?
You can do this by executing a shell command if the java application has sufficient rights to do so. Command...
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("Rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep");
This and other commands are shown here .
Anyone suggesting rundll32 should be shot, there are very few functions designed to call rundll32 and SetSuspendState is n't . You will get random behavior (Hibernate vs Standby and Forced vs not force, etc.). See this blog post for details .
I currently solved this with . Call info
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.Platform;
public class WindowsSuspend {
public static native boolean SetSuspendState(boolean hibernate, boolean forceCritical, boolean disableWakeEvent);
static {
if (Platform.isWindows())
Name it instead WindowsSuspend.SetSuspendState(false, false, false)
Not. You will need to execute seperate binary through Runtime.exec()
This article suggests
rundll32 Powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState
but I haven't tried it.
You may need to look at OnNow / ACPI support here .
There is also an old SO post that talks about this here. Probably the opposite is what you want. Can give you some hints though.