Xcode linker error

I am trying to compile a package that uses a third party library. I've been working on this for a long time, but now he just refuses to link. Here's a sample of the errors:

  "lwpp::GlobalBase<char const* ()(char const*)>::globPtr", referenced from:
  __ZN4lwpp10GlobalBaseIFPKcS2_EE7globPtrE$non_lazy_ptr in main.o
  __ZN4lwpp10GlobalBaseIFPKcS2_EE7globPtrE$non_lazy_ptr in license-2998A499.o 
ld: symbol(s) not found 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status


A third party project (lwpp) is included as a subproject. I clicked and dragged it to Targage Products> plugin_name> Link Binary With Libraries but it still doesn't work. If I import the source files for lwpp, these link errors all go away. I have a complete loss.


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1 answer

Apparently lwpp::GlobalBase< char const* ()(char const*) > ::globPtr

needs to be defined somewhere. Either you have to define it yourself in the source file, or if it is already defined in the library, you may need to declare it as extern

in main.cpp.



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