Can the batch version of the script know if it is being called from PowerShell?

Is there a way the batch script can know if it was called from PowerShell (no additional parameters)?

You need something like ..

    ... warn the user or drop back to powershell to execute the proper instructions...


The question is related to this question - virtualenv-in-powershell .


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3 answers

You can use a tool like "tlist.exe / t" or this one to display the PIDs of the current process and all parent processes. You can check each of these PIDs to see if the PowerShell.exe files match.



You can add a default warning to your script and pass a flag to it that tells it not to show the warning. When you call it from a power shell, pass this flag.



In my Powershell environment (PS 2.0 CTP) I seem to have a PSMODULEPATH environment variable that is not set by the normal command line environment but still exists when Powershell has a CMD.exe child shell.

I think you might be able to "reliably enough" check for PSMODULEPATH in your script package.



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