MFC CSocket in static library

I am using the MFC class CSocket

. No big deal - open a server connection and send a short message. The code works fine when I link to the MFC in the DLL. However, the call CSocket::Create()

fails when connecting to MFC in the static library.

I would like to use MFC in a static library as it makes distribution easier.


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3 answers

According to

Descriptor maps used by sockets must be created for each stream. The following code shows a function for this:

   void SocketThreadInit()
   #ifndef _AFXDLL
   #define _afxSockThreadState AfxGetModuleThreadState()

      _AFX_SOCK_THREAD_STATE* pState = _afxSockThreadState;
      if (pState->m_pmapSocketHandle == NULL)
         pState->m_pmapSocketHandle = new CMapPtrToPtr;
      if (pState->m_pmapDeadSockets == NULL)
         pState->m_pmapDeadSockets = new CMapPtrToPtr;
      if (pState->m_plistSocketNotifications == NULL)
         pState->m_plistSocketNotifications = new CPtrList;





It hovers around dim and distant ringing - which version of MFC are you using?



Are you getting any linker warnings at all? Make sure you link with the correct CRT library depending on the Code Generation setting. For multithreaded statics you need libcmt.lib for release (libcmtd.lib for debug), also make sure _AFXDLL is not defined.



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