Updating the built-in Spring / Hibernate Archetype in Maven?

The current version of Hibernate is 3.26 and Spring is 2.54 when I create a Spring and Hibernate project based on standard Archetype. How can I use Maven for the newest versions? I tried changing my Spring version from 2.5.4 to 2.5.6, but 2.5.4 was still included in the generated war file.


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2 answers

If you use the tree dependency plugin , you will be able to see which artifacts introduce a transitive dependency on unwanted versions. To ensure they are not included in your war, you can exclude these dependencies.

Suppose some direct dependency foo

introduces a spring 2.5.4 dependency, the following configuration will cause Maven to not resolve this transitive dependency:



Then declaring version 2.5.6 in your POM means your required version will be included:





Run mvn dependency:tree

and see why the old version is still pulling in.



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