Development for iphone under Unix

My question is very simple:

  • Is there any solution for installing xCode or equivalent on Unix OS like ubuntu?

Indeed, I don't want to buy an expensive macbook to develop my personal iPhone apps.


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6 answers

The iPhone SDK requires Mac OS and you need to install the SDK even if you plan on developing applications like MonoTouch or Corona .

I don't know if it is possible to run Mac OS as a virtual machine inside Linux. Either way, you can buy a Mac Mini. It is not very expensive and powerful enough for software development.



The OSX86 project might solve your problem. It's not as convenient as buying a cheap Mac, but you can install it on a regular PC, and there seem to be ways to get Xcode installed on it.

If you end up buying a Mac, be sure to check out the iPhone development specs. If I recall correctly, to develop IPhone software, you will need a Mac based on x86 kernel (Mac Mini for example).



x Code without Mac OS is definitely not possible. The real question here is whether it is possible to install a complete Mac operating system in a virtual environment or not.



As far as I know, iPhone development for Unix is ​​only possible if you jailbreak the iPhone. Which I would not recommend. You can try to buy a used Mac mini mini for iPhone development.



Last Saturday I tested a very nice piece of software called ... VMware!

So, is it possible to install Mac OSX leopard on this kind of virtual machine?




I am developing applications for iPhone and I have Windows 7. You can install VMWare and install Mac OS 10.6 through this and download xCode from Mac. Finding the right place to download VMWare and Mac OS is key.

Good luck.



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