PHP: Could not open required file that exists

I am trying to include a file Zend_Service_Amazon_S3


require_once 'Zend/Service/Amazon/S3.php';


I've also included in the include path the directory where the entire Zend library is located, and the installation is inside Zend Server CE (which includes Zend Framework by default). However, no matter what I try, I get the following for my problems:

Fatal error: require_once() []: Failed opening required 'Zend/Server/Amazon/S3.php' (include_path='/usr/local/zend/apache2/htdocs:/usr/local/zend/apache2/htdocs/app/:.:/usr/local/zend/share/ZendFramework/library:/usr/local/zend/share/pear:/usr/local/zend/apache2/htdocs/app/vendors') in /usr/local/zend/apache2/htdocs/app/models/item.php on line 3

Zend / Service / Amazon / S3.php is under the paths:

  • / Usr / local / zend / share / zendframework / library
  • / Usr / local / zend / apache2 / htdocs / app / vendors

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2 answers

The error message states Zend/Server/Amazon/S3.php

- Shouldn't there be Zend / Service / Amazon / S3.php?



Could the process running PHP be running without the necessary permissions to read the file? Remember that a directory must be executable in order for a process to navigate to that directory (i.e. see the contents of its subfolders.)



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