How can I get another WindowsIdentity user without knowing his password?

I'm trying to intercept the WindowsAuthenticationModule to log into the application as a different user, but I can't create a new Windows ID without knowing its password. The code will run under admin privileges, so is there a way to get the user's login token without its password?


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1 answer

From Windows Server 2003 and forward, you can do what is called a protocol transition.

This requires administrator rights, and it is not at all recommended that you run the website with administrator rights, so if you absolutely must do this, you must split this specific functionality into a separate process that runs in a higher privilege mode. Keith Brown has more information on this.

It is very rare that you need this functionality, so if you are unsure of what you are doing, I suggest you write another question about what your overall call is and see if anyone can suggest some better alternatives.



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