Is it possible to implement pre-checked commits in TFS?

I'm intrigued by the idea in TeamCity for pre-release commits (i.e. making sure they don't break build before allowing registrations) and I'm wondering if there is a way to implement this in TFS.It looks like TeamCity can interoperate with TFS version control in as a backup storage, but of course I would prefer a free solution.


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1 answer

In TFS, there is the concept of a validation policy where you can execute code on the client and that can validate accounts before letting them happen. However, what you are doing sounds more like a "Gated Check-in", where a build is attempted on a central build server before the check-in is tied to the main codebase. Take a look at the BuddyBuild project on CodePlex to add this functionality to current TFS releases.

In TFS 2010, gated registration assemblies will be available out of the box.



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