Rails Application Notification Plugins

Can anyone recommend some rails plugins that will allow me to log various pattern notice that might be related to a set of email formatting templates (and possibly others).

Ideally the plugin could be referenced in one line from each model, and the notification format could be passed from some construct like user preference etc.

Appreciate your help



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2 answers

observational is a good way to ... observe :)

class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
  observes :user, :after => :create, :invokes => :deliver_welcome_email

  def welcome_email(user)




I'm not sure why you need a plugin to do this as it can be done using ActiveRecord callbacks , set up a callback in each model like

after_save :send_notifications

def send_notifications
  Notifier.deliver_signup_notification(template, user) # sends the email


You will need to collapse your own interface to create and select HTML templates if this is not what your application logic dictates.



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