How to replace php3 with "php" inside every file in a directory

Hope a nice simple one.

I have a php3 site that I want to run on php 5.2

For starters, I would just like to have every link to the current "index.php3" _within_each_file_ (recursively) be changed to "index.php" and then move on to the global value question and so on.

K. Go!


Update: Thanks a lot! I understand that my question missed the fact that links are listed in every file of the website and I wanted to do this recursively across all files / folders.


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4 answers

find -type f -exec perl -pi -e 's/\bindex\.php3\b/index.php/g' {} \;




What about:

for file in *.php3
    sed 's/\.php3/.php/g' $file > ${file%3}


The for / do / done loop processes each .php3 file in turn, editing the file and replacing each line .php3

with .php

, and copying the file from something.php3 to something.php.

Added for modified question:

for file in $(find . -type f -name '*.php3' -print)
    sed 's/\.php3/.php/g' $file > ${file%3}


You can usually omit " -print

" these days , but historically a lot of machine time has been wasted by people who forgot to add it because initially (pre-POSIX) no default action was taken.

This snippet contains the simplest modification of the source code to accomplish an advanced task, but not necessarily the best way to do it - it pre-generates the entire list of files before processing. You can use instead:

find . -type f -name '*.php3' -print |
while read file
    sed 's/\.php3/.php/g' $file > ${file%3}


However, both modified versions can run into problems if file names or path names contain spaces or newlines or other similar characters. To avoid such problems, you need to work harder - using Perl or (GNU find + xargs) or some other methods. If you are sane, you avoid such problems. If you've inherited a stricter customization, then you may need to delve deeper into the arcana of Unix filename handling.



sed -i 's/php3/php/g' *

Assuming you are using a UNIX-like operating system.



To do it recursively, use Jonathan's answer, but replace find . -type f

with * .php3. Note that back ticks are important and you can replace any directory with "." (i.e. the current directory). Here is a version that also renames the file in the process (* .php3 -> * .php).

for file in `find . -type f`
    sed 's/\.php3/\.php/g' $file > ${file//3/}
    rm $file




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