Displaying a processing message in Python

I want to show processing information or enter the home page when a submitted request is shown until it completes execution. I thought it would be helpful for the user to know what's going on behind the request.

I don't find any hints to do this though, can you guys help me how people do it like this one below one - for your reference



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2 answers

there are two ways i could figure it out:

  • you have a backend script (python) logging information about a long process to a log of some kind (text file, database, session, etc.) and then javascript grabs the information via ajax and refresh the current page.

  • same deal, but instead of ajax, there is just a meta update on the page that will grab the most recent updated information.



you can use python threads which will create a new process in the background

and display your posts in this thread

hope this helps;)



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