How can I use auto_ptr as a member variable that handles another member variable

I have a class like this:

class A 


 B* ptr;



But B's ptr is shared between different objects of A. How can I use auto_ptr so that when A is destroyed, B stays on, so that other objects of A pointing to the same ptr can continue without issue. This looks ok:

class A

 auto_ptr< B > m_Ptr;


 B* ptr;



What are the different ways people have implemented this and any challenges / benefits they saw to each other ... Thanks


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2 answers

What you are looking for is shared_ptr. It handles exactly this type of scenario.

It is part of the BOOST library, although not STL, so it may not be available on your specific platform. However, if you're a bit like Google, you can find a variety of standalone refcounted pointers to suit your needs here.



If I understand your question clearly, I would recommend using ::std::tr1::shared_ptr

or ::boost::shared_ptr


This article is a good tutorial on shared_ptr in TR1 . Acceleration is basically the same thing. I would recommend using the TR1 version if you have that, because all C ++ compilers need to support TR1, where boost is an extra library that you might not be able to find all over the place.



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