Good library / libraries for data in assembler

Are there any good libraries (preferably with comments) for standard data structures (reference list, array list, queue, stack, etc.) for x86 (or others) in Assembler? I don't like inventing (and debugging!) The Wheel ....


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2 answers

Why not just find a good C library and call it from your asm?

Or, if you want a built-in function:

  • Compile the functions you want to use into a Hello World program.
  • Parse the program.
  • Rewrite the assembly as asm / pre-processor macros.


Your best bet is to ask in one of the assembler-specific groups, not here. Try:

Google said that some of the data structures were dismantled on the Microsoft MASM Samples page , but I didn't go hunting.

Another possibility is to check HLA , the high level assembly language. It contains, in part,

Now you can enjoy all the benefits of high level and low level languages, they all switched to one language! HLA, high level assembler allows you to write true low level code while enjoying the benefits of high level language programming. Don't let the name fool you; you can do anything with HLA that you can do with traditional low-level assembler. All the same instructions are present, all the same low-level programming tools are present. The difference between HLA and low-level assemblers is that you don't get stuck with low-level programming paradigms when you don't need them. Make sure your productivity hovers when using HLA; and write much more efficient programs than you could use high-level languages.

IIRC, their data structure support is pretty good.



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