Monitoring event logs

I need to monitor the Windows Server event logs so that I know if there is a problem with any of my ASP.Net sites (IIS errors, Windows login errors, etc.) - errors that end up in the event log rather than being handled by the log registration of applications.

Anyone have experience with GFI Events Manager or Sentry Event ? Is there something better on the market?


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5 answers

I am currently using EventSentry and I must say that I am very happy with it. I get an email when my backups won't start, the reports are helpful and my experience with the service staff has been great. In my case EventSentry was much cheaper than GFI and offered me the cost I needed.



I haven't used this tool, but Microsoft 'System Center Operations Manager (commonly referred to as Microsoft Operations Manager) is supposed to do it all.

System Center Operations Manager



PA Server Monitor can do this.



If your budget is tight or you want to customize the solution a little more, there is . NET libraries are available that will allow you to write your own web application or console application to retrieve / update information from the event log.



Advanced Host Monitor by KS-Soft is a monitoring program that can send you alerts based on event log messages.



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