How do I get rid of all this garbage in NSLog?

When i use



it prints out a lot of things that i dont want:

2009-09-03 13:46:34.531 MyApp[3703:20b] fooBar


Is there a way to print something to the console without that big prefix? I want to draw a table and some other stuff in the console so that space is critical ...


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3 answers

This is from Mark Dalrymple at

Quieter NSLog (General-> Hacks) [permalink]

// NSLog() writes out entirely too much stuff.  Most of the time I'm
// not interested in the program name, process ID, and current time
// down to the subsecond level.
// This takes an NSString with printf-style format, and outputs it.
// regular old printf can't be used instead because it doesn't
// support the '%@' format option.

void QuietLog (NSString *format, ...)
  va_list argList;
  va_start (argList, format);
  NSString *message = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: format
                                              arguments: argList] autorelease];
  printf ("%s", [message UTF8String]);
  va_end  (argList);

} // QuietLog




This is a variation on borkware speeds: . It prints the file and line number where the log is located. I use it all the time.



NSLog just prints to strerr. Use fprintf instead.

fprintf(stderr, "foobar");




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