How to dump a stream in JBoss 4.0.5 on Windows

I am running JBoss 4.0.5 on Windows 2003 x64 and am wondering if there is a way to get a dump of all threads?

  • It looked with FireDaemon, so I don't have console windows that ctrl-break.

  • It works under java 1.5, so jstack won't work.

  • I tried some program that someone made called sendignal.exe, which I think actually crashed JBoss (not sure, but not going to try again) if it happened because JBoss is running under win x64 or because it runs because LocalSystem and I only have access to "normal" users that I don't know. This did work on my laptop, but it is 32 bit and I am running as the same user as JBoss.

Does anyone have any other ideas that might work?


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2 answers

I actually found a better way than Gowri (after starting jsp implementation).

Actually there is a way to dump streams from jmx console in MBE Server Info, see Generate stream dump using JMX console



You could just write a jsp that does Thread.getAllStackTraces()

and print the stacktracelements in an amenable format. Then hitting the url of that jsp anytime will give you a stack dump of all threads at that time.



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