Does PageRank mean anything?

Is this a measure of what a developer or even a manager can look at and make sense of? I know, once upon a time, it was all about 7, 8, 9 and 10 PageRank. But is this still a valid measure? If so, what can you learn from PageRank?

Please note that I am assuming that you have other dimensions that you can analyze.


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4 answers

PageRank belongs to Google and is a proprietary proprietary algorithm.

There are many variables in the formulas used by Google, but PageRank is primarily affected by the number of links pointing to a page, the number of internal links pointing to a page within a site, and the number of pages on a site.

The thing you have to consider is for the web page , not the website . Therefore, you need to optimize every page.

Google sends Googlebot , its indexing robot, to expand your site, the bot has been instructed not to crawl your site too deeply unless it has a reasonable amount of PR (PageRank).



In terms of what I've experienced, pagerank is an indicator of how many sites have recently linked to your site. But this is not necessarily related to your position on Google, for example.

There have been instances where we have increased our marketing and other related sites and the pagerank has increased slightly.



I think the factors that lead to any SERP position are changing too much to turn your belief into one. Pagerank was very important and still is to some extent, but how many questions I cannot answer.

Every link you submit on a page passes a portion of the pagerank to where the link points to. The more links, the fewer pagers were sent to each. Use rel = "nofollow" on your links to focus the pagerank flow in a more controlled way.



A Page Ranking Algorithm is a probability distribution used to represent the likelihood that a person who accidentally clicks on links will arrive at a particular page. This is a relatively good approximation of the importance of the web page.



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