Problems with automatically pre-compiling a website with MSbuild
I currently have a solution including 2 class libraries and building a website within teamCity using Msbuild. Now I want to precompile the website and make it available as an artifact. However, when I try to recompile it using
<Target Name="PrecompileWeb" DependsOnTargets="Build">
I get an error because it looks for a virtual path (which I don't have, since all I want to do is precompile files that I'm not interested in when publishing the site) if I put the dummy path in another error (correct ) about this is not an application in IIS
Any ideas
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Is this a website or web application project? If the latter, instead of executing the AspNetCompiler task, executes the MSBuild task in the csproj / vbproj file by calling targets Rebuild;ResolveReferences;_CopyWebApplication
and specifying the property OutDir
If you are using a website, specify VirtualPath as a valid IIS path. What happens is that when you don't specify the VirtualPath property, it tries to resolve it using PhysicalPath and IIS. I believe it is just an artifact of how AspNetCompiler works.
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