Unix / linux built-in command for recursive find and replace?

Many people combine find and sed, or perl, or any number of other unix commands to find and replace multiple files. But is there a simple command that can do this for you without the hassle?

Edit: Digital ninja indicates that he is rpl.

However, this is not a built-in command, but for debian based distributions like Ubuntu you can simply install it with sudo apt-get install rpl

I would assume it is available to most package managers on other * nix OSs. OS X users can download the binary http://www.laffeycomputer.com/rpl.html


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2 answers

I believe what you are thinking of 'rpl' http://www.linux.org/apps/AppId_2684.html



I think some of the following will work:

find. -name * .extension | perl -pi.bak -e "s / text_to_be_replaced / replacement /"


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