Tempfile and garbage collection

I have this command in my Rails controller

  open(source) { |s| content = s.read }
  rss = RSS::Parser.parse(content, false)


and this results in temporary files filling up (limited) disk space.

I've looked into the problem to some degree and it ends up somewhere on the stack:

io = Tempfile.new('open-uri')


but it looks like this Tempfile instance is never closed explicitly. He received

def _close  # :nodoc:


which can automatically fire on garbage collection?

Any help understanding what is going on or how to clear the tempfiles would be really helpful.


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3 answers

looks like it _close

closes the file and then waits for garbage collection to undo (delete) the file. In theory, you could force it to be disabled by calling a method Tempfile


instead, close

or calling close(true)

(which calls close!


edit: But the problem is in open-uri, which is out of your hands - and that doesn't make promises to clean up after itself: it just assumes that the garbage collector will complete everything Tempfile

in due time.

In this case, you have no choice but to call the garbage collector using ObjectSpace.garbage_collect

( see here ). This should delete all temporary files.



If you really want to force open-uri

not to use a temporary file, you can mess up the constant OpenURI::Buffer::StringMax


> require 'open-uri'
=> true 
> OpenURI::Buffer::StringMax
=> 10240 
> open("http://www.yahoo.com")
=> #<File:/tmp/open-uri20110111-16395-8vco29-0> 
> OpenURI::Buffer::StringMax = 1_000_000_000_000
(irb):10: warning: already initialized constant StringMax
=> 1000000000000 
> open("http://www.yahoo.com")
=> #<StringIO:0x6f5b1c> 


Which is because of this snippet from open-uri.rb


class Buffer
  StringMax = 10240
  def <<(str)
    if [...] StringMax < @size
      require 'tempfile'




Definitely not an error, but a faulty I / O processing error. Buffer.io is either StringIO if @size is less than 10240 bytes or Tempfile if over that amount. The provision condition in OpenURI.open_uri () calls the close () function, but since it might be a StringIO object that doesn't have a close! () Method, it simply can't just call close! ().

The fix I think would be one of the following:

Checks the clure clause for the class and calls either StringIO.close or Tempfile.close! if necessary.

- or -

The Buffer class requires a finalizer that handles the validation of the class and calls the correct method.

Of course, none of them fix this unless you are using a block to handle the IO, but I suppose you can do your own check in that case, since open () returns an IO object, not a Buffer object.

lib is a big chunk of messy code, imho, so it can recycle to clean it up. I think I can do this, just for fun. ^. ^



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