Editable selectedboxedbox property does not update the user interface

Using javascript I am trying to change the selection of a list item this way:

 function selectFirstActiveListItem(oListBox)
         for (var i = 0; i < oListBox.options.length; i++)
            oListBox.selectedIndex = i;                

            var szStatus = GetDomboBoxItemAttribute("Status", m_pdocConnectType.getXMLDOM(), oListBox);

            if ("Enabled" == szStatus)
         oListBox.selectedIndex = 0;


Although the index changes correctly in the background, it is not reflected in the UI. The old selection is still displayed in the list.

What will go wrong?


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2 answers

Oops! This worked and showed the correct result. This is where I was wrong.



try this instead:

oListBox.options[i].selected = true;




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