Updating Xcode Project for 3.2?

I have an Xcode project from 3.0 and I want to update to 3.2. How should I do it?


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1 answer

Xcode 3.2 reads and saves projects from Xcode 2.5 through 3.1.3, and most of Xcode 3.2's features (like static analysis, incremental find, new doc viewer, etc.) are version-agnostic to a specific project. Open a project, select Change Project Settings, and in the General area set Project Compatibility to 3.2.

alt text http://idisk.mac.com/cdespinosa/Public/Project%20Compatibility.png

There are several features, such as Multiple Project Roots, which will only work on projects specifically targeting Xcode 3.2 and will prevent you from opening that project in earlier versions.



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