How do I write a regex that only returns "I" and then "J" or "V" and then between 1 and 3 digits?

An expression is required that only returns things with an "I", followed by either "J" or "V" ("No quotes"), and then at least 1 number up to three numbers.

IJ ###
IV ###
IJ ##
IV ##
I J #
I v #


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4 answers

Depending on your taste



Do you also need a space after the self?

I (J|V)[0-9]{1,3}




Your description doesn't match your example and there are some idiomatic things you need to take care of (case insensitive, regex-dependent)

I [JV]\d{1,3}


This will match

  • i J1
  • i J12
  • i J123
  • i V1
  • i V12
  • i V123

But there will be no MATCH

  • i 1
  • i am 12
  • I'm 123


Tested with RegExBuddy:

I [JV] \ d {1,3} \ s


Pretty much like Vinko Vrsalovic, but with it, if you have J12345678, it will take "I J123" in your expression. Adding \ s requires a special trailing char, such as space, string, etc.



I think the others missed the spec v#




Of course, the lower case v

was a typo.



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