Adding License Information to NSIS Installer

We distribute software created by my team through Windows installers built through NSIS. We generate our NSIS config files from a python script written by a developer who no longer works with us, so we currently don't have any employees who know how to write NSIS config files. I was instructed to modify this script to add a section to the installer that displays our licensing information prior to performing the actual installation.

What does such a section look like in an NSIS configuration file?


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1 answer

Depending on how the installer is structured and what NSIS features it uses.

For example, if it uses MUI ("modern user interface") macros, then it might be as simple as adding

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "License.txt"


Somewhere in the text. Most likely between some of the other pages in the MUI_PAGE

. For example, one installer I'm currently working on has the following:

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "..\..\Licenses\License.txt"


This brings up the Welcome page, followed by the License page, and then the Select Directory page.

For more options, read the NSIS MUI documentation.



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