What do you call the Entity Framework data model?

With LINQ Data Models or Entity Framework ... what do you use as the default naming convention for your data models? Or do you even have a standard? Using Northwind as an example ...

NorthwindDB? NorthwindData? NWDB?


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3 answers

I usually use the most general description, often the name of the application. So, if this is a travel app, I would call it TravelApplication.edmx. Then your ObjectContext will be TravelApplicationEntities

, which I think makes sense.



Assuming you mean in C # I would go with



in SQL, I don't care.



We have multiple Entity models in each project to improve maintainability and manageability, usually one model for each subsystem.

We then name the models according to the subsystem they belong to. For example, for an insurance system, you can:

  • ClaimsEntities
  • ProductEntities
  • PolicyEntities


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